

Pronunciation: \benˈ-jə-mə-ni-pyə-ˈlāt\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ben·ja·ma·nip·u·lat·ed; ben·ja·ma·nip·u·lat·ing
Etymology: ultimately from Latin manipulus, back-formation from the chronic necessity to repeat information delivered by voice mail due to a failure of receipt by the intended party.
Date of origin: July 28, 2009
1: to skillfully manage or control another in artful means by way of delivering an insidious password-activated promise into the voice mailbox of an individual's cellular telephone.

— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·lat·able \-ˌlā-tə-bəl\ adjective
— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·la·tion \-ˌni-pyə-ˈlā-shən\ noun
— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·la·tive \-ˈni-pyə-ˌlā-tiv, -lə-\ adjective
— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·la·tive·ly adverb
— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·la·tive·ness noun
— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·la·tor \-ˌlā-tər\ noun
— ben·ja·ma·nip·u·la·to·ry \-lə-ˌtōr-ē, -ˌtȯr-\ adjective

Benjamanipulative voice mail basic form:

"(Greeting). It is now (time and date), the password is (chosen obscure password). If (chosen terms), then (chosen promise). Otherwise, nothing. (Closing)."

Benjamanipulative voice mail example:

"Hey, Ben, it is just after noon on Tuesday the 28th. You never check these, so guess what: the password is Petunia. If this is the next word you say to me, no matter the circumstances, I will treat you to dinner at the time and place of your choice. This offer is only good on these terms. Good luck, my friend."

It is important that the Benjamanipulation is left secret until discovered by the intended party. Remember, the intent is to educate and manage the chosen party towards voice mail diligence. It is important to set feasable terms, unless the probability is in favor of the Benjamanipulator. The higher the stakes, the more successful the Benjamanipulation. Beware of the rare occurance of successful receipt.

See also: gamble

Consider yourself lucky to be informed before falling victim. I invite you to spread the word. It is your choice, but it is more enjoyable for Benjamanipulation to gain popularity by way of use, rather than simple education.


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