

TV shows and movies portray special powers originating from accidents, mutations in evolution, or even normal traits of humanoid aliens. I like Stan Lee's approach on the X-Men because he portrays special powers as genetic hiccups, and the beholder is initially afraid of his or her defect. This helps me believe that its not that distant of an actuality, and it may be possible for me to have a special power.

It seems to me that the X-Men are all different pieces on the chess board and Superman is the queen who basically embodies all powers. I'm not excited about that: he's too super. I like when characters have just one or two powers. In fact, I like to think that those who have special powers are still subject to handicaps, thus making them even more similar to me, a non-powered individual. In turn, this also fuels my excitement that powers may really exist.

When I imagine a handicap on a power, I think that one could still have that power, but not in a totally efficient way. Then I don't feel so bad for not having powers.

• What if there is a boy in Massachusetts who has the ability to fly, but during flight he is only able to move 5mph? He would be able to reach things, but not zoom across the country..

• What if there is a woman in Portland who has X-ray vision, but she can only see a maximum of 10 yards away when using her ability? If she wanted to use her gift, she it would be pretty obvious in some cases...

• What if there is a man in Chicago who is able to run at the speed of sound, but he has OCD and must come to a complete stop every mile to untie and re-tie his shoes?

• What if there is a girl in Phoenix who can hear people's thoughts, but she has Tourette's Syndrome, and she screams, "I'M IN YOUR HEAD" when she reads minds?

Believing that people with special powers are also subject to a handicap makes me think that I might have a handicapped special power.. I have always wondered. Maybe I do - and maybe someone very close to me has special powers, but we just don't know. The reason we don't know this is probably because we assume the skill or ability that we have is normal to everyone. In past think time I have reflected on my life and have come to believe that I actually do have a few special powers.

I have noticed that on summer nights, when everyone else is complaning about being "eaten alive" by mosquitos, I am unharmed and comfortable. This can only mean that my sweat glands are able to produce a potent repellant only detectable by insects. My handicap is that when I do sweat, it's not nice to my clothes. For some reason, some of my dress shirts look like they have glitter pits.. go figure.

Also, I believe that I have the ability to run efficiently on very little sleep. I can limit myself to as little as 3 hours of sleep per night for a week or so. All while waking up fully recharged. My only handicap is that it kills my immune system and end up sick on the couch for 2-3 days. I'm still working out the kinks of this special power.

If you feel handicapped, search for your power. I am certain it's there.

Good luck & Stay Regular